Thursday, May 23, 2019

Computer a as Communicative tool

What are communicative tools? It is those applications which enable easy communication between the teacher and the students, among students beyond the physical barrier either by space, time or both of the classroom. 

Some o the examples of communicative tools are: 
  • Email
  • Electronic bulletin boards
  • Online chat
  • Video and web conferencing 
  • smart boards
  • social networking sites (Blogs, facebook etc...). 
There are two types of communications: 
1. Synchronous which enables real-time communication. It used for instructional activities that require higher degree of interaction or for solving urgent problems or issues. Examples: chat, electronic whiteboards and videoconferencing 

2. Asynchronous is more appropriate for activities that require more time in thinking before responding. Examples: email, electronic bulletin, vle discussion forum...

How can we apply synchronous and asynchronous communicative tools in teaching and learning? As teachers, given the good computers in the schools connected with good internet connectivity, we could use various communicative tools mentioned above to enhance teaching and learning. Using various communicative tools can help students co-construct knowledge and help them share their understanding and ideas with ease. 

For example: using online chat to discuss or brainstorm prior knowledge on the topic plant. And the, using google slides to prepare presentations by collecting good information from the internet and then sharing their work through email could really boost the enthusiasm of the students and make them inquisitive about learning various topics. 

While there are series of advantages of using communicative tools in teaching and learning. it does have several challenges or difficulties as well. To mention a few difficulties of using synchronous, as it is instant and real-time, multiple threads of discussion are difficult to follow, slow connections distracts and discussion loses focus because of may side discussions. 

Similarly using asynchronous has its own difficulties. It discourages learners participation. Checking the discussion board/vle/blogs for posts is an additional task. It also fails to maintain the interests. You may watch this video to know more... 

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