Friday, April 19, 2019

Date: 13.02.19 - Introduction

In the beginning of every semester, all the module tutors spend some time talking about the module and assessment aspects. Similarly, in the first session of the module, we were briefed on the nature of the module, objectives, and range of topics to explore and the mode of assessments. 

The module, ICT in teaching and learning aims to equip us with relevant pedagogical skills and ideas in using ICT as an effective teaching/learning tool. Basically, it is going to help us explore ideas to use ICT as a resource to improve teaching and learning process.

In the 21st century, as we witness rapid development and advancement in technology, I feel that it is essential to integrate variety of technologies in our education system. In order to shift our approach of teaching and learning from traditional to modern, it is imperative on our part to use ICT that is likely to enhance teaching and learning process. ICT is going to be an indispensable tool to engage children and make teachers comfortable to deliver any content.

Apart from the familiarization of the module plan, the tutor made sure that all of us have access to the RUB mail. We have spent good amount of time learning different features of G-mail like inserting signatures, profile, vacation time period to name a few. I thought those were some of the features we ought to know so that we could use it efficiently whenever necessary.

In order to have successful and effective sessions throughout the semester, it is imperative to have certain classroom norms. Along with the tutor, we discussed and agreed to adhere to certain important norms such as punctuality, phones silent, respecting the speaker to list a few.

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